If you have already had your precious little bundle I'm going to be preaching to the wrong person and if you have one on the way, well this could be one of the most important pieces of advice you are ever going to get. Get out, get out, get out. And no, I don’t mean out of the pregnancy because well, it's too late for that. I mean get out of the house for a walk. Whenever you can, as often as you can, for as little or as long as you can.
This may seem like a very simple task and it most definitely is when you are on your own. Add a 3.5kg human into the mix and things can change drastically. There will be days when it seems impossible to get your butt into gear to go for a walk. There will be days when it’s a struggle to simply get dressed. There will also be days when you are so tired you physically cannot be bothered getting off the couch. But let me be brutally honest. You need to get your runners on (ok walkers on) and go for a stroll. Hey, if that’s even too hard, slip on your thongs and do a lap of the block. It’s worth it.
There is so much that can be said about the benefits of fresh air. Not only will you experience a release of endorphins which leads to mental clarity, rejuvenation, a sense of calming but these feelings will be echoed by your bubba. If you are lucky enough to be surrounded by trees, parks or the ocean- even better. Try to immerse yourself in nature. But if not and you are in the city simply being outside will do you wonders. If you have only just had your baby start off small, be kind to yourself. If you are still experiencing pain from the birth or if you had a C-section its important to listen to your body. Perhaps walking to the letterbox will be enough for you. If you had an uncomplicated birth, there is no reason why you can't do this a day or so after birth. There is also an equation you must always remember:
Baby + fresh air + movement = sleeping baby = happy mummy
See I told you the effort would be worth it.
So there you have it mummas, get out of the house and walk.
And as always, be kind to yourself, you are doing the best job you can!